Professions (Pekerjaan)

Teacher, doctor, nurse, pilot, policeman are the names of professions. Seperti materi Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris SD kelas 5 kali ini yaitu tentang Professions (Pekerjaan). Jika diamati, banyak jenis-jenis pekerjaan yang dijalani oleh orang-orang yang ada di sekitar lingkungan kita. Baiklah untuk lebih jelasnya, berikut ringkasan materi tentang Professions (Pekerjaan). 

1. teacher: guru
2. doctor: dokter
3. lecturer: dosen
4. nurse: perawat
5. pilot: pilot
6. policeman: polisi (laki-laki)
7. policewoman: polisi (wanita)
8. gardener: tukang kebun
9. carpenter: tukang kayu
10. mechanic: montir
11. barber: tukang cukur
12. secretary: sekretaris
13. fisherman: nelayan
14. bricklayer: tukang tembok
15. driver: sopir
16. dentist: dokter gigi
17. architect : arsitek
18. chef : juru masak
19. sculptor: tukang pahat
20. postman: petugas pos
21. farmer: petani
22. actor : aktor
23. singer: penyanyi
24. waiter: pelayan restoran
25. cashier: kasir
26. soldier: tentara
27. headmaster: kepala sekolah (laki-laki)
28. headmistress: kepala sekolah (perempuan)
29. librarian: petugas perpustakaan
30. stewardess: pramugari
Untuk menanyakan pekerjaan kepada orang lain, gunakan kalimat berikut:
1. What are you?
    (Apa pekerjaan kamu?)
2. What is your mother?
    (Apa pekerjaan ibu kamu?)
3. What is your father?
    (Apa pekerjaan Bapak kamu?)
4. What does your brother do?
    (Apa pekerjaan kakak (laki-laki) kamu?
5. What does your sister do?
    (Apa pekerjaan kakak (perempuan) kamu?
Jika ada yang bertanya kepada adik-adik kelas 5: 
What are you? (Apa pekerjaan kamu?)
Maka jawablah: I am a student. (Saya adalah seorang pelajar.)
Contoh kalimat:
1. Ms. Yuli is a teacher. She works in a school.
    (Ibu Yuli adalah seorang guru. Dia bekerja di sekolah.)
2. Mr. Hong is a doctor. He works in a hospital.
    (Tuan Hong adalah seorang dokter. Dia bekerja di rumah sakit.
3. A nurse helps a doctor in a hospital.
    (Seorang suster membantu dokter di rumah sakit.)
4. Mr. Karya is a farmer. He plans paddy in the rice field.
    (Pak Karya adalah seorang petani. Dia menanam padi di sawah.)
5. Mr. Dirga is a carpenter. He makes table and chair.
    (Pak Dirga adalah seorang tukang kayu. Dia membuat meja dan kursi.)
6. Is your uncle a barber?
    (Apakah paman kamu seorang tukang cukur?)
    Yes, he is (Ya)
    No, he isn't (Bukan)
7. Is your sister a secretary?
    (Apakah kakak (perempuan) kamu seorang sekretaris?
    Yes, she is (Ya)
     No, she isn't (bukan)
8. Ms. Melani designs a house. She is an architect.
    (Ibu Melani merancang gambar sebuah rumah. Dia adalah seorang arsitek.)
9. Mr.Jack drives a bus. He is a driver.
    (Pak Jack mengendarai bus. Dia adalah seorang sopir.)
10. Mr. Akram leads a school. He is a headmaster.
      (Pak Akram memimpin sebuah sekolah. Dia adalah seorang kepala sekolah.)
Latihan Soal
Read the text carefully then answer the questions!
(Bacalah teks kemudian jawab pertanyaan!)
My name is Dania Amretacantika. Just call me Nadia. My school is SD Mawar Sukabumi. I am the student of the fifth class. I will tell about professions that I can find at my school. There are headmistress, teachers, a librarian, school staffs, and a gardener.
Headmistress is the person who lead a school. Teachers are person who teach the students. Librarian is a person who works in a library. School staffs are persons who take care of the school's administration and a gardener is a person who takes care of the school garden.
1. What is Dania?
2. In what class is she now?
3. What does the school's staffs do?
4. What does a gardener do?
5. What does a teacher do?
1. Dania is a student.
2. She is in the fifth class.
3. School staffs take care of the school's administration.
4. A gardener takes care of the school garden
5. The teachers teach the students.


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